EPISODE 01: “A WRITER IS BORN! (yeah right!)”

Its been really really long time since I have written. And not because I had lost faith in writing... its just ...that...er... I am really lazy!
In fact writing is something that I believe, was always inside me, at least this is something I know deep inside. I don’t know exactly how deep! I am not saying that I am a writer ... no I am not. But I know for a fact that I have the skills ... not the patience... but the skills!!
So most often than not, I don’t end up writing things that are on my mind. I know that’s a bad thing and a lousy attitude but then what do you expect from a guy who fell asleep just before coming into this world! Yup! That’s me!
My mom often tells this story, and of course I don’t have a say in it! And my dad agrees; but I don’t know if he agrees because it is the actual fact, or because he is supposed to as part of his husband duties! (Which I now understand as being one myself!).
Anyways, the legend goes that when my mother was in labor, and everyone was eagerly waiting for my birth, I decided to make that wait a little longer. The nurse and the doctor were shocked to know that I had actually gone off to sleep just when I was supposed to pop my head out! Mom and dad didn’t quite know what to say, except, “uh... ok! Now what?”
“Well we will try to wake up the baby if not we might have to go for a c-section!!” came the reply!
So all efforts were made to wake me up. Slaps... rollovers... and the works. But hey, it was me! So finally all preparations were made to use the knife. I am glad for one thing, I wasn’t around to see my dad hyperventilating! Coz I know even if mom sneezes he gets paranoid! No, no, nothing to worry... its one of the traits of being a Shelke! If you cant control it, shout at it or worry about it, it is a symptom of a severe disorder in the Shelkes! But more on that later.
So just as my mom was about to go under the knife and dad was going to start his rhythmic contractions, the labor pains started again! Yes I had woken up! And I am really curious to know how my mother would have reacted to my dad being overjoyed at the fact that I was kicking her left, right and center from the inside, well not exactly like that... but you know what I mean!
Anyways, so yes there I was out into this world at approx. 5:15 pm, after a superb a afternoon siesta, wondering what the whole deal is!
I know I am not supposed to remember what was going through my head at that time... but it must have been one of the following...
1.     “Oh good! Now that I am here... everyone is happy... can I go back to my sleep!?” or
2.     “Holy mother of god! I gave up THAT... for THIS!!!!!” or
3.     “I hope this place is just temporary!”
Well it’s almost impossible say what I was actually thinking but, I don’t think it would be anything else.
Anyways, the whole point of this episode was to tell you that I think I can write good stuff... but its always the effort which seems to be concern factor and of course the branching out into a tangent topic (but some say its good to expect the unexpected!)
Anyways, something else has caught my attention so I think I will come back here in a bit... in a while! ;)


  1. Awesome!!!..Keep writing man... Good to know abt this story... :D

  2. yes, a writer was "shaken" to be born!! balu the bear emerged after a hyberbation!! keep writing n posting.. i never managed to be regular with your show's episodes but will love to "read" more episodes like this!

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  4. Great start Addy. entertaining. tho i wonder how come mom never mentioned this to me or you for that matter. i like the 'shelkes' lol.


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