my first attempt...

Hi guys...
This is the first time i am writing..
I mean i created this account almost a year ago, but never really got myself to write. Today I accidentally clicked on my friend Melly's blog site and then realized that even I have registered here, and its about time that I utilized it. So after a long and tedious process of trying to figure out how to reach this page (which actually is dead easy) ... here I am!!
How many times have we actually gone ahead and done things that we really really wanted to do?
i mean as kids .. hell yes! We didn't give a damn to anyone.. not even our parents. But then what happens when we grow up?
Why do we get into things like 'oh, what will he think if I do this?' or 'What will she say if it doesn't work out the way it's supposed to?'
And these were the things which kept me from actually starting with a blog. But like they say you grow out of everything and age gracefully, well similarly I have de-grown (if thats a word!) and ungracefully going back in age, where carefree actually meant that you do not give two hoots to anyone watching you!
And also, no great minds are going to read my articles (no offense.. but look at yourself..who you kidding!!) and no revolution is going to happen with my 'vishesh tippanis'. This will be read by you and people like you who have known me inside out for ages now... so who cares!
So i take this opportunity to raise a a carefree writing of my thoughts on various issues. And I don't want the great minds to read it, just those whom I care a lot about!
Thank you.


  1. You already have me rolling on the floor! Just as long as you keep that humour flowing, I don't care what you write about. I will lap it all up! Cheers!

  2. thank u thank u .. thats a lot of encouragement!!

  3. the flare for writing comes down the genes I guess...nice simple piece and like you said...its apealing to people like us..people with no great minds...but those you really know you well...way to go teddy...

  4. Great Start Lookin forward to good articals. All the best

  5. Now that you've made it abundantly clear that you are aware that i'm no genius (however convoluted that sentence sounds), for whatever little it's worth, i totally LOVED the blog.. :) :)
    keep writing :)

  6. good one Advait! Really love it! Great start. Keep it flowing...

  7. I agree with Kau..way to go Ady!! I'm inspired and maybe should borrow a leaf from ur book..gr8 goin!

  8. great one addy.. thanks for the complement btw.. and may be over grown would be a better work.. hehe.. what say?

  9. Brother Man !! Finally we have you on board!! And I agree with every word you wrote. I started my blog with much excitement and a sense of achievement - but soon the articles in them slowed to a trickle. Haven't posted in almost a year!!
    Your post will help me push the cobwebs away and get me writing again !! Way to go, bro !! Cheers !

  10. great beginning .. holds a lot of promise for what's about to hit us! just try not to be so 'nice' to us in the ones to come...! :)

  11. Excellent bro! Dont worry will not fill the blog with my intellectual(my brain is not inside my skull, its somewhere else) thoughts on the various topics you wish you write about. Offcourse, certain topics you might find me to be extremely involved, and some absouletly non existant. So, cheers my good friend and let your fingers bring out the best in you(at some point you can put a pun to it too(at some point you can put a pun to it too).


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